I am attempting to create a fedora 9 livecd based on the livecd-fedora-minimal.ks file.
I understand that as is there is no login capabilities for this livecd. I have been successful in running livecd-creator and creatiing and burning the iso image.
When I boot from it i get the login prompt no problem.
Now my question is how do I enable logging in to the cd.
I added the following lines to the .ks file:
/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/fedora fedora
/usr/bin/passwd -d fedora
My understanding was that this would create a fedora user with no password.
I tried it on my regular fedora 9 system, and it created the user properly and I can login with no password.
When I recreated the livecd, I drilled down and looked at the ext3fs.img and found that the fedora user was indeed created
However, when I boot from the livecd, and put in fedora as the user, it prompts me for a password, and no matter what I enter, it won't let me log in.
Is there something else I need to do to enable loggin into the livecd?