If you're trying to build a program from a tar file and install it, then your best option is going to be to go the rpm route. 

If you just want to copy some files over to a livecd, you can do it during post nochroot.  If you do a search on the list archives, you'll find details.


Pollux Su wrote:
Hi,I have some problems when I build a livecd.
   Is there someone has experience in installing a tar file into livecd?  Should I rebuild this tar file into a rpm?
   If I just want to copy some files into the livecd I have built,how to do this? unpack the osmin.img or squashfs.img? How can I do?
   Need help!!!  Thanks for your time. Help,please!

Pollux Su

-- Fedora-livecd-list mailing list Fedora-livecd-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-livecd-list

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