Hi Thomas.   Would like to see bluetooth included in Fedora whereby it automatically picks up the devices in use.  I have a Microsoft EliteBluetooth keyboard and mouse and cannot get it to run with Fedora.  This is the only thing that stops me from ditching Windows completely and using Fedora.  Will pay the postage to Australia if you can do this.  

many thanks.


On 1/21/07, Thomas Chung <tchung@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On 1/20/07, Antonio Olivares <olivares14031@yahoo.com > wrote:
> An idea that occurs to me is a liveCD with either
> graphical desktop, with the following Authoring and
> Publishing packages:
> tetex-3.0-?? or TeXLive
> tetex-xdvi-??
> kile if using KDE desktop
> or
> TeXMaker if GNOME based liveCD
> gnuplot-4.0-??
> maxima-runtime
> maxima-gui
> maxima-clisp
> And of course with printing support-
> *system-config-printers*
> This would be a Math specialized CD of course.  It is
> only an idea, I previously created a CD like this with
> Kadishi, but since Extras could not be activated to
> include packages from it, only TeTEX and gnuplot were
> on the CD with both a version with KDE and GNOME
> desktops for my friends.
> A Fedora based Math LiveCD not to compete with but to
> at least emulate the TeaM-TL (TeX Live + Linux Live)
> http://team-tl.livenet.pl/index-eng.php?show=home-eng
> Sorry if this is too much to ask for.  But I believe
> that this would make many Fedora Users happy to be
> able to take their Fedora Desktop anywhere and
> showcase their desktop and their mathematical
> presentations/work.  If you shoot it down, I
> understand the work involved and hope that instead of
> a LiveCD a LiveDVD with everything but the kitchen
> sink is created and available for download to satisfy
> more people's wishes and requests.

Once again, this offer is a simple rebuild based on an official Fedora
6 LiveCD which is Gnome based + your own selection of missing packages
you need.  I'm not going to start a whole new distro complete with
existing any distro out there.  In fact, you are the only one who will
receive this *personalized* distro from me.

Now, let's start over again.
1) Test drive the Official Fedora 6 Live CD
2) You notice a few packages are missing from Official LiveCD.
ex) system-config-network
3) Make a list of missing packages you need to be added to your
*personalized* LiveCD.
ex) system-config-network, gome-system-monitor and your own wallpaper.
4) Send me a private email with the package list and your shipping address.
5) I'll *try* to build your personalized LiveCD with your selection of
package added and ship it in 24 hours.

Please note your selection of package should not contain any
proprietary software and must come from official core or extras

For your convenience, here is the list of official packages from
Fedora 6 core and extras:
[1] http://fedoranews.org/tchung/livecd/personal/core6.txt
[2] http://fedoranews.org/tchung/livecd/personal/extras6.txt

Still not clear about my offer? Please contact me in private.

Thomas Chung

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