It appears no progress has been made; are you sure you don't want to use github or googlecode.  Neither of these services have a binary download system, but we could use for binary downloads

Wolfgang Becker
May 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM

Still waiting for upload permissions.

Josh Dye
May 13, 2014 at 6:40 PM
Any updates on this?


Wolfgang Becker
May 1, 2014 at 11:40 PM
On 2. Mai 2014 04:37:53 MESZ, Josh Dye <> wrote:
Isn't SourceForge offering a simple way to transfer all the Berlios
projects to their servers?   

That's what I assumed from Berlios' initial announcement. Took them quite a while to explain how to do it. Turns out all they offer is a way to move the downloadable files to a SF project. No better way for source repository, wiki, bug tracker, etc..

Are we going to move everything to
fedorahosted and not use SF

At least that's the current plan. Fedora was the place we wanted to go to when Berlios was closing down last time. With Google code no longer accepting new binary releases and everyone asking for git they still seem like a good choice. We even have the project from last time.

Last weekend I noticed I don't have the permissions to upload the source yet. So I can't say for sure when we are back.


Josh Dye
May 1, 2014 at 7:37 PM
Isn't SourceForge offering a simple way to transfer all the Berlios projects to their servers?   Are we going to move everything to fedorahostedand not use SF

Joshua Max Dye
Wolfgang Becker
April 29, 2014 at 2:09 PM
With Berlios probably closing down for real by the end of April
we'll move to

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Joshua M Dye
(530) 918-8738 • Skype