I'm not on red hat and don't use their networking scripts. For what I use, I do have a workaround to guarantee that vlans are removed before teamd tries to remove a stacked interface.

The bug report was for figuring out where the kernel lock is and maybe fixing it.

2016-08-14 10:24 GMT+02:00 Jiri Pirko <jiri@resnulli.us>:
Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 11:04:48AM CEST, mariusz.g.mazur@gmail.com wrote:
>I have three team interfaces:
>- sw1 and sw2, both are three-NIC lacps
>- and an activebackup called team0 (I'm open to better naming suggestions
>:) on top of sw1+sw2.
>Here is how vlan interface teardown looks like using the unstacked sw1
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# systemctl start teamd@sw1
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip l s sw1 up
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip link add link sw1 name lan.246 type vlan id 246
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip l s lan.246 up
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# systemctl stop teamd@sw1
>[root@vc1n3 ~]#
>Everything went fine, both sw1 and lan.246@sw1 are now gone.
>Now let's try this with stacked team interfaces:
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# systemctl start teamd@sw1 teamd@sw2
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# systemctl start teamd@team0
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip l s team0 up
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip link add link team0 name lan.246 type vlan id 246
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# ip l s lan.246 up
>[root@vc1n3 ~]# systemctl stop teamd@team0
>… and it freezes. I can't tell you what the state of the network interfaces
>is, because running 'ip link show' also freezes. The teamd process becomes
>unkillable. Only thing left to do now is to hard reset the system, cause I
>can't do a proper shutdown in any shape or form.

Looks this might be fixed with the Xin Long's patch I just applied. Try
the current git please.