xDebug have been relicensed (don't know exactly when, it seems we have missed that) under "The Xdebug License, version 1.01"
This seems to be a "BSD style" (and referenced as on http://pecl.php.net/package/xdebug/2.2.0RC1)
The License also says "Based on "The PHP License", version 3.0"
I think this license is OpenSource (and BSD like)
Can you please confirm, and add it to the "good license list", which seems required to update this package (else we'll have to remove php-pecl-xdebug from the repository)
Here is the full LICENSE text https://raw.github.com/derickr/xdebug/master/LICENSE
Thanks in advance, Best regards, Remi.
On 03/14/2012 01:57 PM, Remi Collet wrote:
xDebug have been relicensed (don't know exactly when, it seems we have missed that) under "The Xdebug License, version 1.01"
This seems to be a "BSD style" (and referenced as on http://pecl.php.net/package/xdebug/2.2.0RC1)
The License also says "Based on "The PHP License", version 3.0"
I think this license is OpenSource (and BSD like)
In fact, he just did some renaming of the PHP License. Use:
License: PHP
== Fedora Project