I would like to clarify (and put in FAQ):
Can projects, which reside on Copr use rpmfusion (and generaly other restricted repos) if: 1) it is purely runtime dependency for those packages? (IMO yes, it is allowed). 2) it is used for runtime and buildtime and result is dynamicaly linked (not sure, but I would say allowed, but IANAL) 3) is is used for runtime and buildtime and result is sticaly linked (IMO not possible).
On 01/05/2015 03:06 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
I would like to clarify (and put in FAQ):
Can projects, which reside on Copr use rpmfusion (and generaly other restricted repos) if:
- it is purely runtime dependency for those packages? (IMO yes, it is allowed).
- it is used for runtime and buildtime and result is dynamicaly linked (not sure, but I would say allowed, but IANAL)
- is is used for runtime and buildtime and result is sticaly linked (IMO not possible).
1) FESCo question. I'd personally prefer if copr's didn't require external repos. 2) No. 3) No.
== Red Hat
On 01/05/2015 07:19 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
I would like to clarify (and put in FAQ):
Can projects, which reside on Copr use rpmfusion (and generaly other restricted repos) if:
- it is purely runtime dependency for those packages? (IMO yes, it is allowed).
- FESCo question. I'd personally prefer if copr's didn't require
external repos.
Hmm why FESCo? IMO it is purely legal question.
On 01/06/2015 05:10 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
On 01/05/2015 07:19 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
I would like to clarify (and put in FAQ):
Can projects, which reside on Copr use rpmfusion (and generaly other restricted repos) if:
- it is purely runtime dependency for those packages? (IMO yes, it is allowed).
- FESCo question. I'd personally prefer if copr's didn't require
external repos.
Hmm why FESCo? IMO it is purely legal question.
Not really. The question is:
Can things in Fedora Coprs depend on third-party repositories to be functional at runtime?
In Fedora proper, the answer is no. I would argue that the same policy should hold for Coprs.
There is, however, no legal reason that I am aware of that a Copr could not include a package which has a purely runtime dependency on something in a third party repository. (The legal issues are questionable around dynamic linking, and quite obvious around static linking, hence my previous answers to those questions.)
== Red Hat