Dne 20. 02. 24 v 1:21 Jilayne Lovejoy napsal(a):
wow, that's a long list ;)

It is not so long. You only need to go through first table and last table. The middle one just contains list of files.

- do you have a way to de-dupe?

No. I go manually over that and usually stop on first license that I do not have in a list and review if it is false or positive match and go to next one. Skipping licenses that already on list.

what tooling are you using?

This report was generated using this command:

~/.local/bin/scancode --license --html /tmp/spdx.html --license-references -n6 scummvm-2.8.0

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys