Koji 1.23.0 is out. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
You can read release notes here: https://docs.pagure.org/koji/release_notes/release_notes_1.23/
Highlights: * python 2.6 support is dropped * clone-tag now displays all error, so no more hidden inconsistencies * clone-tag clones also tag's extra info * cli will now display relevant log urls in case of failed task * kojira will regenerate repositories for tags which have some extra value changed * average build duration is now computed only from last six months * extra values now can be blocked in inheritance chain * BTRFS is supported in appliances * new API call for getting koji version on hub * documentation updates
* 50 pull requests ( + 13 in 1.22.1)
You can view the 1.23 roadmap at https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.23 For the current roadmap, see https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap
You can download this and other releases at https://pagure.io/koji/releases