Is there any way we could add automation to help us here? Like can we have a script to file the issue automatically if there is no issue for a new PR?

- Ken

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019, 5:21 AM Tomas Kopecek <> wrote:
in last few months there is a quite a lot of PRs without issues and/or linked properly.

If you're filing a PR for koji, it would be very helpful if:
a) Create an issue first
b) link PR to this issue - for this to be working correctly, you need to reference it in commit (not in PR's comment) via standard pagure keywords [1]. So, typically via line:
"Fixes:" as in [2].

Creating an issue improve visibility of PR in the team (It can be planned to roadmap, etc.). Using proper "Fixes" keyword will help us in navigating in pagure.

It is not a hard requirement (I will be happy for all PRs even without issues or links), but will alleviate us from some routine work when grooming and merging those PRs.

Thank you all!



            Tomas Kopecek <>
            Release Engineering Development, RedHat
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