So, now I'm in some "stable" structure. Checkout the rendered version [1] and/or the repo itself [2] and get me some feedback!


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 4:52 PM Tomas Kopecek <> wrote:
Hi all,
I've created repo [1] for restructuralization of documentation. Original flat howto structure is confusing these days as there are a lot of documents in one heap.

I'm going to split them into four  basic Operations/Administration/User/Developer guides. In the process of moving documents I'm also trying to "beautify" documents (some syntax highlighting, etc.) and updating obsolete parts. Also creating some new pages there. If you're interested in it, please check the (still a bit unstable) structure and let me know what you think, what should be improved, etc.

P.S. I've created a separate repo for that as it will involve a lot of random commits. In the moment when it will be finished I'm planning to merge it back to the koji repo.

P.P.S. I've also to deal with a problem that links to original documentation will not work. I've to somehow create a redirection structure or find some other solution, so I'll not break existing links to our docs. If you've some ideas on how to make it painless, ping me :-)



            Tomas Kopecek <>
            RHEL Build Development, RedHat


            Tomas Kopecek <>
            RHEL Build Development, RedHat