On 7/10/07, Dave Jones <davej@redhat.com> wrote:

* nouveau needs rebasing.  Ajax?
  Not sure where to pull that from right now.
  (add url to scripts/pull-upstreams.sh)

I might be wrong but from xorg git?

* No idea just how solid the wireless stuff is right now.
  I picked up whatever we had in rawhide as of yesterday,
  so it's "shiny and new", but for all I know that could
  translate to "shiny and broken".

it seems that it was broken  for many people so I doubt that this will cause regressions.

* Some of the experimental bits (like tickless), I've left enabled
  right now.  Depending on how things look from the first round
  of testing will decide whether we keep it on for release.

what about the x86_64 hpet issue? (or is x86_64 tickless not included yet?)

* There's a bunch of 'new bits' scheduled for .23 that we had in
  rawhide at the time of rebase that I feel are "ready", and make
  for nice bonus goodies.  So there's CFS and cpuidle in there too
  for good measure.

great :)