Hi everyone! :-)
I have configured eight virtual desktops (or workspaces, or whatever they are called) on my stock up-to-date F16 KDE. They are automatically arranged in 2x4 fashion, two rows with four columns in the pager. I want a 1x8 geometry, so that there is no desktop "above" or "below" the current one. I can configure the pager to display the desktops in this fashion, but the rest of KDE somehow still "knows" that desktop 5 is "below" desktop 1. This is visible when switching desktops via the keyboard, or using some 3D desktop effects, or otherwise.
So, how do I configure KDE to arrange my desktops into a 1x8 geometry?
The point is that I want to use right/left screen edge to move to the next/previous desktop, but I do *not* want anything to happen when I hit the top/bottom screen edge. However, I cannot configure screen edge action separately for each edge, and OTOH I cannot arrange eight desktops so that there is no desktop above/below the current one.
I'd appreciate any pointers on how to disentangle this mess. ;-)
Best, :-) Marko
Probably silly question but did you log out and back in after making changes. I know you shouldn't have to but I've found before that it is often necessary.
On 12 March 2012 09:41, Marko Vojinovic vvmarko@gmail.com wrote:
Hi everyone! :-)
I have configured eight virtual desktops (or workspaces, or whatever they are called) on my stock up-to-date F16 KDE. They are automatically arranged in 2x4 fashion, two rows with four columns in the pager. I want a 1x8 geometry, so that there is no desktop "above" or "below" the current one. I can configure the pager to display the desktops in this fashion, but the rest of KDE somehow still "knows" that desktop 5 is "below" desktop 1. This is visible when switching desktops via the keyboard, or using some 3D desktop effects, or otherwise.
So, how do I configure KDE to arrange my desktops into a 1x8 geometry?
The point is that I want to use right/left screen edge to move to the next/previous desktop, but I do *not* want anything to happen when I hit the top/bottom screen edge. However, I cannot configure screen edge action separately for each edge, and OTOH I cannot arrange eight desktops so that there is no desktop above/below the current one.
I'd appreciate any pointers on how to disentangle this mess. ;-)
Best, :-) Marko
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Hello Marko,
I believe the setting you're looking for is in: System Settings > Desktop Effects > All Effects (tab) > Desktop Grid > wrench button > Layout mode: (drop-down)
There you can configure a number of layouts for the desktop grid, which is visible when switching desktops or when showing the grid via the effects. In your case, picking either "Custom" and specifying "1 row" for the "Number of rows below" or picking the "Pager" layout mode will have the desired effect.
I hope this *disentangles* it. ;)
Cheers, Ivo