Good morning Adam,

I have run into a situation that could be a blocker for Fedora 36, KDE, or other. I am using KDE and I quite like it.

Here is what I want to present as a "big" concern, a blocker for all versions.

My fstab lines look like the following two...  With extra xref and label appended to the right.

#<file system>                            <mount>      <type> <options>              <dmp pass>  <xref>             <label/uuid>
UUID=c6ffc005-7fb7-4887-bb74-ed88a6623d8a /            btrfs  defaults                       0 0 #/dev/nvme0n1p10   
UUID=5e18134e-c709-4332-8a50-6db7d690c665 /Backup      ext4   defaults,noatime,noauto,user   1 2 #/dev/sdc1         Backup

Attached is my functioning fstab file.

If selinux flags the fstab as invalid, we do not see the selinux warning until some later time if at all. If a reboot occurs before selinux corrective action is taken, then one will have to reinstall Fedora 36.

With the selinux flag set, the step to complete the repair adds a .autorelabel to /   On reboot, the partitions are still mounted in RO mode, the autorelabel begins, but with the partition ro, a reboot occurs. We have a perpetual reboot.

The parser for the fstab stops at the second digit, and does not look beyond.  But then selinux flags the fstab as faulty when running the
systemctl daemon-reload (see fstab header).  

The second attachment is the short selinux code that I run to clear the selinux flag.

When cleared, my most useful version of /etc/fstab becomes useful as a memory aid management tool.  The free xref tool that I wrote handles all non-network based fstab lines. It is very comprehensive, Source is free for the asking.


Leslie Satenstein
Montréal Québec, Canada

On Friday, March 4, 2022, 08:25:27 p.m. EST, Adam Williamson <> wrote:

# F36 Blocker Review meeting
# Date: 2022-03-07
# Time: 17:00 UTC
# Location: #fedora-blocker-review on

Hi folks! We have 3 proposed Beta blockers, 7 proposed Beta freeze
exception issues, and 2 proposed Final blockers to review, so let's
have a review meeting on Monday.

If you have time this weekend, you can take a look at the proposed or
accepted blockers before the meeting -  the full lists can be found
here: .

Remember, you can also now vote on bugs outside of review meetings! If
you look at the bug list in the blockerbugs app, you'll see links
labeled "Vote!" next to all proposed blockers and freeze exceptions.
Those links take you to tickets where you can vote. has instructions on how
exactly you do it. We usually go through the tickets shortly before the
meeting and apply any clear votes, so the meeting will just cover bugs
where there wasn't a clear outcome in the ticket voting yet. **THIS

We'll be evaluating these bugs to see if they violate any of the
Release Criteria and warrant the blocking of a release if they're not
fixed. Information on the release criteria for F36 can be found on the
wiki [0].

For more information about the Blocker and Freeze exception process,
check out these links:

And for those of you who are curious how a Blocker Review Meeting
works - or how it's supposed to go and you want to run one - check out
the SOP on the wiki:

Have a good weekend and see you on Monday!

Adam Williamson
Fedora QA
IRC: adamw | Twitter: adamw_ha

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