I have the same issue on two computers running Fedora 33. If I restart KDE manually (killall plasmashell, kstart5 plasmashell) or in my case, latte-dock, without logging out the icons show up normally.

On 2020-11-08 3:25 p.m., Gerald B. Cox wrote:
I opened a bug report here:

Firefox icons are missing from application launcher after upgrade.  I tried
erasing .local, .kde and .config directories and starting from scratch, but that didn't work.

The other application this is affecting is amule from the rpmfusion repo.

I also tried deleting and re-installing both firefox and amule... that didn't help either.

Is this a kde issue or an application packaging issue?

Since Fx is involved, I would think that more people would be howling about it if it were pervasive, so possibly something got smurfed in my kde configuration during the upgrade, but I would have thought doing the steps above would have corrected... so I must be missing something, but don't know what that would be.


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