You unfortunately cannot. Not unless the laptop officially supports Linux, which I don't think LG does. 

I have a Lenovo laptop myself for which, if I want to update the firmware, I gotta boot into windows or I am out of luck. Trust me, it sucks, but... what are you gonna do.

I do recommend you check (Just in case) fwupdmgr to see if it finds a bios update. But I highly doubt it.

Le mer. 17 janv. 2024, à 11 h 27, Sbob <> a écrit :

I have a new LG Gram, I installed Fedora 39 and I ihave no sound, after
some web searching it seems that this is because the LG Gram's are now
shipping without the latest bios update.

I do not use Windows anywhere in my network, can anyone point me to a
how to that shows me how to update the bios without windows, but via
Fedora 39?

Thanks in advance
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