Neal Becker wrote: "In kcalendar, I have lost all appointments."

I had this, too. Scary. Thought I lost my database. It is due to the wrong version of akonadi (a lot of error messages show up in .xsession-errors, like the fact that dbus cannot start and guidance-power-manager always crashes, and that akonadi v6 is required, etc).

Anyway, as for the problem, open korganizer and select show resource view from the settings dropdown menu. It will appear at the bottom, likely, and you might only see 3 tiny dots. Pull them up and first select the file and birthday resources that are your REAL resouces, then unselect akonadi resource. Do this also for addressbook. Now, you are using the actual resources again, and not the akonadi copy (which won't be available until the correct version is installed).

This works here.