Hi, EPEL8 is almost a reality. I am finally able to request branches, and have done so.
Something new in EPEL (starting with EPEL8) is the "playground".[1] You can think of it as Fedora's rawhide, but different. Unlike Fedora Rawhide, the -playground branch will not automatically be branched or merged into EPEL8. I think playground is very descriptive, and the article I linked to describes things better than I can.
I am going to start my first builds in playground, so I'm sure things are working. But the question is ... what about the whole build.
My initial thought it to just build the whole thing in normal EPEL8 and not worry about playground for now.
But then I thought, what about having KDE as a module. EPEL modules will not happen until the RHEL 8.1 timeframe (4 to 5 months from now). If we have KDE as a module, it will do two positive things for us. 1 - we don't have to be so dependent on CRB for some -devel packages. (ie: we could build out own gpgme to get the -devel package we need) 2 - We can replace certain RHEL8 packages (qt5) that are limiting our KDE versions.
If we want to go to module only, for KDE. It might be better to have our initial build of EPEL8 KDE be in playground only. That way, we will not have to pull any packages out of the regular EPEL8 repository when we move everything to modules. Anyone wanting to use KDE that is running RHEL 8.0, would have to enable the playground repository. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.
Anyway, I wanted others opinions.
Troy [1] https://www.scrye.com/wordpress/nirik/2019/07/30/epel8-playground/