On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Eike Hein <hein@kde.org> wrote:
the motivation in switching to Qt's locale
system was mainly that the behavior and scope it im-
plements aligns closely with the rest of desktop

There is an old saying:  "The path to hell is paved with good intentions..."

People can wax poetic about the reasons but that doesn't change the fact that the functionality
is gone; people have noticed and aren't at all pleased. Telling an end user that they have lost functionality
but hey "the behavior and scope..." isn't going to fly.  Their eyes will glaze over and they'll say WTF?

If Plasma5 gets into a major distribution (such as Fedora) without this being fixed you ain't heard nothing yet.
Queue the GNOME comparisons, etc. etc.

Luckily it appears the KDE team recognizes this is a bit of a foobar and is working to correct.