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El 3/10/2017 1:11 p. m., "Gerald B. Cox" <gbcox@bzb.us> escribió:

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 11:34 AM, Rex Dieter <rdieter@math.unl.edu> wrote:
William Moreno wrote:

> Just curious, a survey about apps usage in the Plasma desktop can help
> here?
> I can get the beta release of Plasma F27 alpha and setup the survey in
> Google Docs if you think it can be ussefull.

Yes, I think that could be useful data that to help with future decision-

Metrics are always interesting, but what are we trying to do here?

Get some feedback form the users of the plasma desktop, the live DVD is 1.5 GB and offers a impressive list of apps just want to known which apps are the 20% of the plasma experience of the 80% of the users of the desktop following the Pareto's rule.