On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 7:08 AM, John Pilkington <J.Pilk@tesco.net> wrote:

Suppose that an inexperienced user of an ideologically pure default browser encounters problems.  Will his request for help be answered by people knowledgeable and experienced in using the same software?  Much of what has appeared here suggests that "dnf install xxxx" would be offered...

Go back and read my comments regarding this.  First of all, the odds of a complete neophyte seeking out and installing the Fedora KDE spin are extremely low - but to answer your question - my guess would be that you'd probably get better, more knowledgeable support.  Chances are higher however that you're going to have more issues with Firefox anyway because it is far more complicated and is in the midst of a radical makeover.  Regarding your comment of ideologically pure - it's about setting guidelines and adhering to them.  We have a mission statement and should be sticking to it - unless there is a compelling reason.  People who are against qupzilla have yet to produce one.  It's all been related to personal preference and subjective hypotheticals.