2011/12/9 Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at>
I wrote:
> Sadly, there is no SRPM provided, which would be needed to build a native
> 64-bit RPM. :-/ Not providing a specfile or SRPM is arguably a violation
> of the GPL. (The specfile is a build script, defined by the GPL to be part
> of the source code.)

PS: This also means that that RPM is effectively non-Free Software and I
cannot recommend using it.

I wasn't able to find their specfile or SRPM anywhere.

       Kevin Kofler

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There is an SRPM of BlueGriffon for Fedora 15 in Remi's Git repository, Bluegriffon
is opensource, the thing is, (as someone said above) it requires a bunch of patches
to run, that's why Remi (Who packaged it for F15) has not uploaded an RPM for F16 yet...