On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Thomas Janssen <thomasj@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
2010/3/8 Benjamin HAAS <haas.benjamin@gmail.com>:
>  2.  launch nm-applet (Indeed, I have to keep it installed for such cases !)
You can also install and use 'cnetworkmanager' for such cases. It's 
CLI and works very well.
I could try it.  But in any case, this does not solve the root problem : How comes that, sometimes, the network is "disabled" (by the way, /var/log/message is dumb about that) ? I still have no clue about that ... And how comes that knetworkmanager cannot control that if the gnome backend and cnetworkmanager can?

LG Thomas

Dubium sapientiae initium

Benjamin HAAS