On Wednesday 04 February 2009 13:18:13 Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Hi, Kevin. It's in SystemSettings that I see "Failed to contact Strigi
> > indexer (No such method 'currentFolder' in interface
> > 'org.kde.nepomuk.Strigi' at object path '/nepomukstrigiservice'
> > (signature ''))" - so no, it doesn't work.
> Systemsettings always reported warnings like this if the indexer was not
> already running, but you should be able to turn it on there.
Well, I checked the box yesterday (day before?) and it still is checked. The warning is still there, and I haven't seen anything that makes me think it is running. It obviously isn't running as a service, so how can I check its status? Or is that statement sufficient to say that it's not running at all?
