2010/12/16 Rex Dieter <rdieter@math.unl.edu>
Manuel Escudero wrote:

Thanks!  I'll try to comment on these...

> I like it, I seriously like it :D I'm in favor of changing the default
> phonon backend for VLC.

vlc isn't currently in fedora, but we're making slow progress to make it so,

> I'll suggest to integrate LibreOffice into the KDE Spin of Fedora and
> removing Koffice of it,

that'd a big increase in space, though if we're successful in getting
libreoffice-kde integration working, maybe.

> Also it will be good to offer Double Click for default

I personally prefer that too, but I'm far from a typical user too.

> it will be nice to disable the "session remembering"

ditto as above.  (Though, a nice side-effect would be that login/logout
would be faster by default)

> I believe, another good thing would be adding some extra KDE Apps, some
> apps that most
> users would like to see pre-installed, like Kmess, k3b and the Kipi
> Plugins. Maybe also
> an alternative browser to konqueror and/or rekonq, maybe chromium? (as
> gnome has FF)

Installing multiple apps for the same function, feels wrong to me.

k3b, kipi-plugins was only omited from the livecd due to space.  definitely
want those.

chromium... not an option, it's not in fedora (and by the looks of it, won't
be for a very long time).

> In that case, I recommend to pre-install some apps by default in KDE spin,
> to make it more
> user friendly and ready for every day use, like:
> kdeartwork kdebase-workspace-wallpapers kdeplasma-addons

kdeplasma-addons definitely.
The extra artwork/wallpapers is *very* big, I'd doubt we could fit that even
on a 1gb spin (given all the other additions we want).

> audacious guvcview kmess pidgin gimp gparted sound-juicer xchat multiget
> k3b banshee
> xsane vlc kdenlive firefox unrar p7zip p7zip-plugins java-1.6.0-openjdk
> ntfs-config wine
> azureus tucan kid3 kipi-plugins java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin

Besides the > 1 app per function issue I mentioned above) anything that's
not a kde app will have to have a *very* good use-case to consider, so that
includes (at least):  audacious guvcview pidgin firefox gimp gparted sound-
juicer xchat banshee xsane azureus
Would you be interested in making such a case for each of these?

Items not in fedora cannot be considered, like vlc, kdenlive, unrar

-- Rex

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@Rex: Okey!! :D If I can help any way to make some changes happen Just tell me exactly what to do...
I'll be glad of helping the Spin Out :)

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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