If you read the comments in the first article posted by Luigi you'll see that they already realize this was a non-starter.  People were already complaining with the same things we have pointed out.  There was a comment from May 2014 that the functionality would be returned in the next year or so, which is rapidly approaching.  If not, they they can expect a deluge of complaints when people start actively using Plasma5 - better to get it fixed before widespread adoption to avoid all that.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Glenn Holmer <shadowm@lyonlabs.org> wrote:
On 03/10/2015 09:24 AM, Gerald B. Cox wrote:
> The end user doesn't care about where the code is written.   They care
> about the end result.   This is something that was possible in past KDE
> releases and now it is gone.   Changing the locale is not acceptable
> because that changes all settings.   That isn't an acceptable or
> workable solution.

In addition, it's quite clumsy to navigate a list of dozens of countries
(same for each option under "Detailed Settings") without knowing what
you'll get until you try one.

>From the article cited by Luigi:

"KLocale is also still there, in the kde4support library, but it’s
deprecated, and included as a porting aid and compatibility layer."

Then why not use it until this functionality is provided in Qt?

"QLocale, as opposed to the deprecated KLocale doesn’t allow to set
specific properties for outside users. This is, in my opinion, a valid

Respectfully disagree.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."
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