Hello  Sergio,

As a Nerd Font user, I can tell that there is no easy way. The problem with Nerd Fonts on Fedora is because of the license of some fonts. You can use the Manual Way [1] that is basically clone the whole repo and run the steps you have but with a script. I never tried it for just one font, but it seems to have the capability. You need to keep the repository updated manually.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts?tab=readme-ov-file#option-7-install-script

El vie, 8 nov 2024 a las 11:56, Sérgio Basto via kde (<kde@lists.fedoraproject.org>) escribió:

Have we any good way to install nerd fonts on kde ? or better than
manual way [1] ?

I'm moving to lazyvim and wasn't easy find and install nerd fonts to
correct the icons ...

Best regards,

wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v3.2.1/JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& cd ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& unzip JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& rm JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& fc-cache -fv

Sérgio M. B.
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