I am using Gnome on Wayland and the classical Linux method using
highlight to copy and middle click to paste works, too, however on my computer, I am experiencing the following behaviour:

I am not sure, if that is a bug or a feature, but it does not bother me in any way.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 1:14 PM Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com> wrote:
On 26/04/2021 18:48, Lukas Ruzicka wrote:
> I believe that you do use the CTRL-SHIFT-C when copying from the Konsole window. Using just CTRL-C does not work there in order not to interfere with the process killing trigger.
> However, when this happens to me, I usually go for this:
> 1. Highlight what needs to be copied.
> 2. Right click above it.
> 3. Choose Copy to clipboard.
> 4. Paste it elsewhere.
> This has always worked for me. If not, I would report a bug.

OK, this seems to work.  But, it also seems to reveal that there are 2 clip boards in use under

Doing what you suggests does put the text in the systray clipboard and then using Ctrl-V
in Thunderbird does past.  But the "paste" key on my trackball pastes text previously highlighted
within Firefox (for example).

It can be confusing to me to have to remember 2 methods depending on what apps I'm using.
Would be nice if this were unified.

Remind me to ignore comments which aren't germane to the thread.

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Lukáš Růžička


Red Hat

Purkyňova 115

612 45 Brno - Královo Pole
