On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Roderick Johnstone rmj@ast.cam.ac.uk wrote:
How can I change the mode of syntax highlighting that kate does for a file extension of .pro? I read the section on syntax highlighting in the kate handbook but am none the wiser.
That would be because the syntax highlighting chapter mentions "MIME types" but not file extensions, though both are affected by the same configuration screen. I just added a brief mention of file extensions [1]; let me know if I can make it more clear.
kde 4.8.1 (on F16) recognises files with extension .pro, for syntax highlighting purposes, as qmake files. This is shown by a checked radio button under in tools/highlighting/other/QMake when editing a file with this extension. Also, tools/mode/other/QMake is checked.
I'd like to make kate activate tools/highlighting/sources/RSIIDL for syntax highlighting automatically for the .pro file extension instead since this file type is used by the Interactive Data Language (now owned by Excelis, but formerly by RSI, hence RSIIDL, to avoid a conflict with IDL the Interface Definition Language) for its language source files. I'd like to be able to make this change on a system-wide basis.
You can change this per-user in Settings > Editor Component > Open/Save > Modes & Filetypes: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kde-baseapps/kate/config-dialog-editor.html#pr...
Simply remove the *.pro extension from the "File extensions" text box under Other/QMake and add it to Sources/RSI IDL.
Unfortunately, AFAIK it's not possible to change it for all user accounts on the system.
[1] http://commits.kde.org/kate/2ed211891b52593a0d6f08b367656f2cd0ef76df