Hi All, I have noticed that if I change something in system settings and press the apply button the whole desktop freezes, I need to kill the X server. This does not happen consistently only about half of the time. First, changing the window decoration froze the system then changing the color scheme did the same. Still on Qt 4.6.3-4. with kde-4.4.90 fully updated from kde-unstable. Robert
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:01 AM, Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler@chello.at wrote:
Michal Hlavinka wrote:
- keyboard layout icon in systray is hardly visible (black text on black
background with dark gray shadow - I have no flags), ctrl-alt-k shortcut stopped working after upgrade from 4.4, when I try to add this shortcut (sysset->input->keyboard->Layouts->Shortcuts for switching->alternative shortcut:ctrl-alt-k), it tells me "the shortcut 'ctrl-alt-k' conflicts with shortcut in kxkb for action 'switch to next keyboard layout'
This sounds like a migration issue: kxkb has been replaced by a new applet and the shortcut stays assigned to the old, no longer used one.
- new tab for konsole keyboard shortcut is ctrl-shift-t (it used to be
-n), I can see the point because a lot of sw uses 't' for new tab, but for now it's quite irritating before I get used to it
Keyboard shortcuts can be configured, what changed is just the default.
- system settings "akonadi configuration" under "Lost and Found" category,
what's that???
"Lost & found" is what takes everything that's not categorized somewhere else. "Akonadi configuration" used to be under "Advanced", which doesn't exist in 4.5 anymore. And upstream hasn't been showing it at all since KDE 4.4, which is why it isn't categorized properly for 4.5, but our users have asked for it to be shown: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=565420 "Advanced" was a nice place for it, but unfortunately upstream removed that in 4.5.
Kevin Kofler
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