Fl@sh wrote:
Sorry, sane-backends-libs phonon-backend-gstreamer packages not for pure Fedora (I`m do it for remix with rpmfusion repo, which added some dependencies).
I still don't see how sane-backends-libs would be useful to list there even with RPM Fusion enabled.
About konsole, kwrite, plasma-scriptengine-python packages -- Yes, reinsure myself.
And again, -1 to plasma-scriptengine-python, it has absolutely no business being in the minimal KDE workspace install set.
I could accept putting it in an optional "KDE Plasma Workspace Addons" subgroup along with kdeplasma-addons, but IMHO a script engine should not be listed in comps at all. It should be a dependency of whatever package requires it. If you install a plasmoid through "Add new widget…" (GHNS), starting from Fedora 17, you now get automatically prompted to install the script engine if it isn't installed yet. See: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Plasma_PackageKit_Integration So there is no need whatsoever to install the script engine by default.
About system-config-firewall, system-config-firewall-base, k3b, kde-partitionmanager packages -- Sorry, maybe I confused the idea of installing the system on groups with the idea of installing the necessary (usually) a minimum packages.
So I disagree about k3b and kde-partitionmanager being part of the necessary minimum. K3b is useless on a machine with no CD/DVD burner (e.g. a netbook or a tablet). kde-partitionmanager is entirely useless for most users. That kind of packages belongs into "options" (subgroups). It may or may not make sense to enable those options by default.
As for system-config-firewall, that's not a KDE package at all and so IMHO entirely off topic here.
Nevertheless, it would be good if there exists a @kde-base (or -minimal, or -<same_name>) Group, because it gives more flexibility when installing and using KDE in Fedora.
See the original post in this thread for how Anaconda will present groups in Fedora 18!
Kevin Kofler