On 06/14/14 01:43, Gerald B. Cox wrote:
That fix is now available in the latest Chrome Unstable (currently Version 37.0.2041.4 dev).  It won't be available in stable until Chrome 37 rolls to stable, which will most likely be sometime in August.  

Sorry....not the same issue and not related specifically to KDE but you seem to be more aware of chrome work than most.

In the recent versions of chrome, including 37,  libpepflashplayer hangs when loading certain videos such as the live stream on mlb.com.  I've reported it via the reporting feature in chrome but haven't seen any progress in the past several months.  Any way to check on or raise the issue's level?

Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong. -- Dandemis