Hello everyone, I want to re-visit the question that I've raised a year ago here [0]. I'm still running my Lenovo T460p, but we're already in F32 and still same issue presents.
 I've just recently got a new Dell monitor that I connect for the lack of USB-C ports over DP and in KDE environments, there is no visible ways to route sound over DP as far as I can tell. I've also tried booting Manjaro KDE and it seems to be missing component in KDE itself?
 Other distros (Fedora Gnome, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary) even live image recognize DP as an output and can successfully route sound there.
 What would be the action plan here? Did anyone look into that already maybe? I'm wondering where the problems lies or what part/component is missing?

[0] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/kde@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/HOS4SAKIBT7AVSTCQ52CSKQGOBTEM5QY/
Best regards, Alex