I have build an old version of audacity (audacity-2.4) from source and placed the executable in ~/bin.  When I start audacity from the command line (say):
$ audacity-2.4 98.03.14-a.aup
everything runs as it should.  But when attempt to start audacity-2.4 from dolphin clicking
dolphin->98.03.14-a.aup->rt-click/Open With->Other Application->audacity-2.4
the program started is audacity not audacity-2.4 .  Similarly it's not possible to start audacity-2.4 from the Start Button on the Panel.

I don't have the problem with xv, which I also build from source and placed in ~/bin .

What's happening?

Sincerely Jonathan Ryshpan <jonrysh@pacbell.net>

	We are Pentium of Borg.  Division is futile. 
	You will be approximated. -- Joe Klemmer