On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 8:50 AM Mark @ GMail via kde kde@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
I'm (finally) trying to install these drivers given that the F41 notes talked about supporting DRM (better?)
Yes, the drivers are old, but the latest version that nvidia shows is 470.256.02 released this June (2024), which is not very old, with some talk of supporting Wayland, if only through X. The latest I can find in rpmfusion is 470.128. Is this newer one somewhere in the Fedora universe? If so, how do I find and install it? If not, who do I send a message to to get it put in?
Yes, I know the Nouveau drivers are pretty good, but I think I have a situation where they don't deliver (running virtual devices under Android Studio). No, I'm not wanting to go back to X11.
Unfortunately, the NVIDIA 495 driver series was the first to support Wayland properly, with full support starting with the 555 series (Wayland and XWayland apps) with Plasma 6.1. The 470 driver series is now fully EOL by NVIDIA, and all hardware covered by it is now fully unsupported.
Your two choices at this point are: * Nouveau (which works on hardware covered by 470 driver) * New hardware
I don't know if this is for a laptop or desktop, but if it's the latter, you should consider a new graphics card. If it's the former, you should invest in a new computer, as any laptop that uses hardware only covered by the 470 driver is more than 12 years old.