My /etc/resolv.conf file is generated incorrectly and I now get a
password prompt when I connect to my VPN.
I selected Store for both user and group passwords in the Edit Network
Connection - KDE Control Module dialog under the Cisco VPN tab. This
used to be effective -- no password prompt. Now a useless prompt that
won't allow any changes to the stored password pops *under* other
windows on the desktop. Before some recent update, the prompt was not
The /etc/resolv.conf problem:
In the same dialog box, under the IP Address tab for Basic Settings, I
add two name servers on the VPN network. I also add a few Search
Domains (which has never worked). The /etc/resolv.conf file is now
generated with the first DNS server address as the searchdoamin and
the second address as the only DNS server.
I did a bit of searching bugzilla, but came up empty. I'm also not
sure what component to query. I included NetworkManager and
Anyone else having problems?
Garry T. Williams