--- Comment #1 from Orion Poplawski --- I working with jabref ( I'll post my issues here in case they make good items for the HowTo.
First issue seems to be that it wants to package up a jar with all deps using "fatjar":
// enables fatjar, the creation of a jar with all dependencies bundled inside buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'eu.appsatori:gradle-fatjar-plugin:0.2' } } apply plugin: 'fatjar' fatJar { classifier 'fat' manifest { attributes 'Main-Class': "net.sf.jabref.JabRefMain" } }
So presumably we want to change this to a standard jar mechanism? For now I've simply removed this whole section.
Next issue:
+ gradle-local
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where: Build file '/builddir/build/BUILD/jabref-v_2.11b3/build.gradle' line: 81
* What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'JabRef'.
Could not import Ant build file '/builddir/build/BUILD/jabref-v_2.11b3/build-wrapper.xml'.
Using the --stacktrace option showed that the issue was a missing jarbundler:
/builddir/build/BUILD/jabref-v_2.11b3/build.xml:522: taskdef class net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler cannot be found
However, adding BR jarbundler doesn't appear to help.