Bug ID: 1341852
Summary: tomcat-jsvc.service doesn't allow for configuration of
output file
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: tomcat
Assignee: ivan.afonichev(a)
Reporter: csutherl(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: alee(a), csutherl(a),
krzysztof.daniel(a), me(a)
External Bug ID: Red Hat Bugzilla 1201409
Description of problem:
Should we add an option to the tomcat.conf to allow for changing of it's
outfile/errfile values? Right now it's hard-coded to
${CATALINA_BASE}/logs/catalina.out, but the user may not want that to happen.
Additional info:
This issue was raised against RHEL in the bug here I'll link it as well.
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Bug ID: 1321789
Summary: CVE-2016-3674 XStream: enabled processing of external
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
CC: abhgupta(a), aileenc(a),
alazarot(a), alonbl(a),
bdawidow(a), bkearney(a),
bmcclain(a), brms-jira(a),
chazlett(a), cpelland(a),
dblechte(a), dmcphers(a),
eedri(a), epp-bugs(a),
etirelli(a), gklein(a),
gvarsami(a), hfnukal(a),
jbpapp-maint(a), jcoleman(a),
jdg-bugs(a), jialiu(a),
jokerman(a), jorton(a),
jpallich(a), kconner(a),
kseifried(a), ldimaggi(a),
lmeyer(a), lpetrovi(a),
lsurette(a), mbaluch(a),
mgoldboi(a), michal.skrivanek(a),
mizdebsk(a), mmaslano(a),
mmccomas(a), mmccune(a),
msimacek(a), msrb(a),
mweiler(a), mwinkler(a),
nwallace(a), ohadlevy(a),
pavelp(a), rbalakri(a),
Rhev-m-bugs(a), rrajasek(a),
rwagner(a), rzhang(a),
satellite6-bugs(a), sherold(a),
tcunning(a), theute(a),
tiwillia(a), tjay(a),
tkirby(a), tlestach(a),
ttarrant(a), ydary(a),
yeylon(a), ykaul(a)
XStream ( is a Java library to marshal Java objects into
XML and back. For this purpose it supports a lot of different XML parsers.
Some of those can also process external entities which was enabled by
An attacker could therefore provide manipulated XML as input to access data
on the file system, see
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Bug ID: 1321792
Summary: CVE-2016-3674 jenkins-xstream: XStream: enabled
processing of external entities [fedora-all]
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: jenkins-xstream
Keywords: Security, SecurityTracking
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: msrb(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
Blocks: 1321789 (CVE-2016-3674)
This is an automatically created tracking bug! It was created to ensure
that one or more security vulnerabilities are fixed in affected versions
of Fedora.
For comments that are specific to the vulnerability please use bugs filed
against the "Security Response" product referenced in the "Blocks" field.
For more information see:
When submitting as an update, use the fedpkg template provided in the next
comment(s). This will include the bug IDs of this tracking bug as well as
the relevant top-level CVE bugs.
Please also mention the CVE IDs being fixed in the RPM changelog and the
fedpkg commit message.
NOTE: this issue affects multiple supported versions of Fedora. While only
one tracking bug has been filed, please correct all affected versions at
the same time. If you need to fix the versions independent of each other,
you may clone this bug as appropriate.
[bug automatically created by: add-tracking-bugs]
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1321789] CVE-2016-3674 XStream: enabled processing of external
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Bug ID: 1303893
Summary: Fedora 23 Xfce boots into emergency after installation
(reason: bug in root specification in grub.cfg)
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: groovy
Assignee: msrb(a)
Reporter: a.o.shyichuk(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
mizdebsk(a), msrb(a)
Created attachment 1120374
Original grub config.
Description of problem:
Fedora 23 Xfce was installed from a USB flash drive (Fedora Xfce Live).
During live session, the node of USB drive was sda, while the SATA hard drive
for the new installation had a node of sdb.
After the installation, the USB drive was extracted. On new boot, the hard
drive received an sda node and the system booted into emergency mode, as
root=/dev/sdb1 was not found.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora 23 Xfce (Fedora-Live-Xfce-x86_64-23-10)
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Fedora to HDD from live session.
2. Extract live USB and reboot.
After the installation, boot from USB again and edit grub.cfg (yes, the one
that says "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE") in boot/grub2 of the newly created
installation on hard drive. Replace root=/dev/sd* with root=UUID=<root
partition UUID>. Reboot.
Please consider the attached grub.cfg.bkp (the original one).
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Bug ID: 1303041
Summary: CVE-2015-7521 Apache Hive: authorization vulnerability
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
me(a), moceap(a),
The following flaw was reported in Apache Hive:
Some partition-level operations exist that do not explicitly also
authorize privileges of the parent table. This can lead to issues when
the parent table would have denied the operation, but no denial occurs
because the partition-level privilege is not checked by the
authorization framework, which defines authorization entities only
from the table level upwards.
This issue is known to affect Hive clusters protected by both Ranger
as well as SqlStdHiveAuthorization.
External reference:
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Bug ID: 1303042
Summary: CVE-2015-7521 Apache Hive: authorization vulnerability
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: hive
Keywords: Security, SecurityTracking
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: pmackinn(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
me(a), moceap(a),
Blocks: 1303041 (CVE-2015-7521)
This is an automatically created tracking bug! It was created to ensure
that one or more security vulnerabilities are fixed in affected versions
of Fedora.
For comments that are specific to the vulnerability please use bugs filed
against the "Security Response" product referenced in the "Blocks" field.
For more information see:
When submitting as an update, use the fedpkg template provided in the next
comment(s). This will include the bug IDs of this tracking bug as well as
the relevant top-level CVE bugs.
Please also mention the CVE IDs being fixed in the RPM changelog and the
fedpkg commit message.
NOTE: this issue affects multiple supported versions of Fedora. While only
one tracking bug has been filed, please correct all affected versions at
the same time. If you need to fix the versions independent of each other,
you may clone this bug as appropriate.
[bug automatically created by: add-tracking-bugs]
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1303041] CVE-2015-7521 Apache Hive: authorization vulnerability
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Bug ID: 1297176
Summary: Amazon EC2 Plugin doesn't work with Jenkins installed
from package
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: jenkins
Assignee: msrb(a)
Reporter: alapshin(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
mizdebsk(a), msrb(a)
Created attachment 1113243
Description of problem:
Amazon EC2 Plugin can't connect to Amazon services when installed on top of
Jenkins from Fedora repository but with Jenkins installed from plugin works fine.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Jenkins from Fedora repo
2. Install Amazon EC2 Plugin from Jenkins web interface
3. Go to Manage Jenkins->Configure System->Add cloud
4. Enter Amazon credentials
5. Press Test Connection
Actual results:
Connection test returns error
Expected results:
Connection test should completes successfully
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Bug ID: 1293837
Summary: CVE-2015-1772 Apache Hive: authentication
vulnerability in HiveServer2
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mprpic(a)
CC: alonbl(a), bmcclain(a),
dblechte(a), ecohen(a),
lsurette(a), me(a),
mgoldboi(a), michal.skrivanek(a),
moceap(a), pmackinn(a),
rbalakri(a), Rhev-m-bugs(a),
sherold(a), ydary(a),
yeylon(a), ykaul(a)
The following flaw was reported in Apache Hive:
Users who use LDAP authentication mode in HiveServer2 and also have LDAP
configured to allow simple unauthenticated or anonymous bind.
LDAP services are sometimes configured to allow simple unauthenticated binds.
When HiveServer2 is configured to use LDAP authentication mode
(hive.server2.authentication configuration parameter is set to LDAP), with such
LDAP configurations, it can allow users without proper credentials to get
External References:…
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Bug ID: 1293838
Summary: CVE-2015-1772 Apache Hive: authentication
vulnerability in HiveServer2 [fedora-all]
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: hive
Keywords: Security, SecurityTracking
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: pmackinn(a)
Reporter: mprpic(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
me(a), moceap(a),
Blocks: 1293837 (CVE-2015-1772)
This is an automatically created tracking bug! It was created to ensure
that one or more security vulnerabilities are fixed in affected versions
of Fedora.
For comments that are specific to the vulnerability please use bugs filed
against the "Security Response" product referenced in the "Blocks" field.
For more information see:
When submitting as an update, use the fedpkg template provided in the next
comment(s). This will include the bug IDs of this tracking bug as well as
the relevant top-level CVE bugs.
Please also mention the CVE IDs being fixed in the RPM changelog and the
fedpkg commit message.
NOTE: this issue affects multiple supported versions of Fedora. While only
one tracking bug has been filed, please correct all affected versions at
the same time. If you need to fix the versions independent of each other,
you may clone this bug as appropriate.
[bug automatically created by: add-tracking-bugs]
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1293837] CVE-2015-1772 Apache Hive: authentication vulnerability in
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Bug ID: 1291798
Summary: CVE-2015-7539 jenkins: Jenkins plugin manager
vulnerable to MITM attacks (SECURITY-234)
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mprpic(a)
CC: abhgupta(a), ccoleman(a),
jialiu(a), joelsmith(a),
jokerman(a), kseifried(a),
lmeyer(a), mizdebsk(a),
mmccomas(a), msrb(a),
While the Jenkins update site data is digitally signed, and the signature
verified by Jenkins, Jenkins did not verify the provided SHA-1 checksums for
the plugin files referenced in the update site data. This enabled MITM attacks
on the plugin manager, resulting in installation of attacker-provided plugins.
This could allow attackers able to manipulate the network path between Jenkins
and the update site to install and run arbitrary code on Jenkins.
External References:…
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