Bug ID: 1294230
Summary: Please provide support for EPEL7
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: powermock
Severity: medium
Assignee: rkennke(a)
Reporter: projects.rg(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
jerboaa(a), msimacek(a),
neugens(a), projects.rg(a),
Description of problem:
There are packages for EPEL6 and 5. Please apply it also for EPEL7.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. run an EPEL7 system
2. dnf install powermock
Actual results:
no package found.
Expected results:
powermock gets installed with success.
Additional info:
DEBUG Getting requirements for powermock-1.6.2-2.el7.src
DEBUG --> maven-local-3.4.1-11.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> apache-commons-logging-1.1.2-7.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> tomcat-servlet-3.0-api-7.0.54-2.el7_1.noarch
DEBUG --> junit-4.11-8.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> cglib-2.2-18.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> maven-plugin-bundle-2.3.7-12.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> javassist-3.16.1-10.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> mockito-1.9.0-19.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> mockito-1.9.0-19.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> objenesis-1.2-18.el7.noarch
DEBUG --> sonatype-oss-parent-7-6.el7.noarch
DEBUG Error: No Package found for mvn(cglib:cglib-nodep)
DEBUG Error: No Package found for mvn(org.easymock:easymock)
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Bug ID: 1311085
Summary: CVE-2015-5346 Apache Tomcat Session fixation
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: low
Priority: low
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: twalsh(a)
CC: aileenc(a), alazarot(a),
alee(a), asantos(a),
bbaranow(a), bdawidow(a),
bmaxwell(a), brms-jira(a),
ccoleman(a), cdewolf(a),
chazlett(a), csutherl(a),
dandread(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
dknox(a), dmcphers(a),
epp-bugs(a), etirelli(a),
fnasser(a), gvarsami(a),
hfnukal(a), huwang(a),
ivan.afonichev(a), jason.greene(a),
jawilson(a), jboss-set(a),
jbpapp-maint(a), jclere(a),
jcoleman(a), jdg-bugs(a),
jdoyle(a), jialiu(a),
joelsmith(a), jokerman(a),
jpallich(a), jshepherd(a),
kconner(a), krzysztof.daniel(a),
kseifried(a), ldimaggi(a),
lgao(a), lmeyer(a),
lpetrovi(a), mbabacek(a),
mbaluch(a), me(a),
miburman(a), mmccomas(a),
mweiler(a), mwinkler(a),
myarboro(a), nwallace(a),
pavelp(a), pcheung(a),
pgier(a), psakar(a),
pslavice(a), rnetuka(a),
rrajasek(a), rsvoboda(a),
rwagner(a), rzhang(a),
spinder(a), tcunning(a),
theute(a), tkirby(a),
ttarrant(a), twalsh(a),
vtunka(a), weli(a)
When recycling the Request object to use for a new request, the
requestedSessionSSL field was not recycled. This meant that a session ID
provided in the next request to be processed using the recycled Request object
could be used when it should not have been. This gave the client the ability to
control the session ID. In theory, this could have been used as part of a
session fixation attack but it would have been hard to achieve as the attacker
would not have been able to force the victim to use the 'correct' Request
object. It was also necessary for at least one web application to be configured
to use the SSL session ID as the HTTP session ID. This is not a common
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Bug ID: 1311093
Summary: CVE-2016-0763 tomcat: security manager bypass via
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
CC: aileenc(a), alazarot(a),
alee(a), asantos(a),
bbaranow(a), bdawidow(a),
bmaxwell(a), brms-jira(a),
ccoleman(a), cdewolf(a),
chazlett(a), csutherl(a),
dandread(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
dknox(a), dmcphers(a),
epp-bugs(a), etirelli(a),
fnasser(a), gvarsami(a),
hfnukal(a), huwang(a),
ivan.afonichev(a), jason.greene(a),
jawilson(a), jboss-set(a),
jclere(a), jcoleman(a),
jdg-bugs(a), jdoyle(a),
jialiu(a), joelsmith(a),
jokerman(a), jpallich(a),
jshepherd(a), kconner(a),
krzysztof.daniel(a), kseifried(a),
ldimaggi(a), lgao(a),
lmeyer(a), lpetrovi(a),
mbabacek(a), mbaluch(a),
me(a), miburman(a),
mmccomas(a), mweiler(a),
mwinkler(a), myarboro(a),
nwallace(a), pavelp(a),
pcheung(a), pgier(a),
psakar(a), pslavice(a),
rnetuka(a), rrajasek(a),
rsvoboda(a), rwagner(a),
spinder(a), tcunning(a),
theute(a), tkirby(a),
ttarrant(a), twalsh(a),
vtunka(a), weli(a)
ResourceLinkFactory.setGlobalContext() is a public method and was
accessible by web applications running under a security manager
without any checks. This allowed a malicious web application to inject
a malicious global context that could in turn be used to disrupt other
web applications and/or read and write data owned by other web
External references:
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Bug ID: 1288319
Summary: Branch and build janino for EPEL7
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: janino
Assignee: puntogil(a)
Reporter: orion(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
Description of problem:
Minus the last commit in master that added %pom_change_dep which isn't in EL7's
javapackages-tools, janino appears to build and install okay for EPEL7.
Could conceivably add those macros to epel-release as well if they worked.
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Bug ID: 1299437
Summary: xmlrpc-c-1.39.07 is available
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: xmlrpc-c
Keywords: FutureFeature, Triaged
Assignee: mizdebsk(a)
Reporter: upstream-release-monitoring(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
mizdebsk(a), msimacek(a),
Latest upstream release: 1.39.07
Current version/release in rawhide: 1.32.5-1908.svn2451.fc23
Please consult the package updates policy before you issue an update to a
stable branch:
More information about the service that created this bug can be found at:
Please keep in mind that with any upstream change, there may also be packaging
changes that need to be made. Specifically, please remember that it is your
responsibility to review the new version to ensure that the licensing is still
correct and that no non-free or legally problematic items have been added
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Bug ID: 1222573
Summary: CVE-2014-7810 Tomcat/JbossWeb: security manager bypass
via EL expressions
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: medium
Priority: medium
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: mprpic(a)
CC: aileenc(a), alazarot(a),
alee(a), asantos(a),
aszczucz(a), bdawidow(a),
bgollahe(a), ccoleman(a),
cdewolf(a), chazlett(a),
dandread(a), darran.lofthouse(a),
dknox(a), dmcphers(a),
epp-bugs(a), etirelli(a),
felias(a), gvarsami(a),
hchiorea(a), hfnukal(a),
ivan.afonichev(a), jason.greene(a),
jawilson(a), jboss-set(a),
jbpapp-maint(a), jclere(a),
jcoleman(a), jdg-bugs(a),
jdoyle(a), jialiu(a),
joelsmith(a), jokerman(a),
jolee(a), jpallich(a),
kanderso(a), kconner(a),
krzysztof.daniel(a), kseifried(a),
ldimaggi(a), lgao(a),
lkocman(a), lmeyer(a),
lpetrovi(a), mbaluch(a),
me(a), mfranc(a),
mmccomas(a), mweiler(a),
mwinkler(a), myarboro(a),
nwallace(a), pavelp(a),
pgier(a), pslavice(a),
rhq-maint(a), rrajasek(a),
rsvoboda(a), rwagner(a),
spinder(a), tcunning(a),
theute(a), tkirby(a),
tmlcoch(a), ttarrant(a),
twalsh(a), vhalbert(a),
vtunka(a), weli(a)
It was found that the expression language resolver evaluated expressions within
a privileged code section. A malicious web application could use this flaw to
bypass security manager protections.
Upstream patches:
External References:
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Bug ID: 1321789
Summary: CVE-2016-3674 XStream: enabled processing of external
Product: Security Response
Component: vulnerability
Keywords: Security
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: security-response-team(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
CC: abhgupta(a), aileenc(a),
alazarot(a), alonbl(a),
bdawidow(a), bkearney(a),
bmcclain(a), brms-jira(a),
chazlett(a), cpelland(a),
dblechte(a), dmcphers(a),
eedri(a), epp-bugs(a),
etirelli(a), gklein(a),
gvarsami(a), hfnukal(a),
jbpapp-maint(a), jcoleman(a),
jdg-bugs(a), jialiu(a),
jokerman(a), jorton(a),
jpallich(a), kconner(a),
kseifried(a), ldimaggi(a),
lmeyer(a), lpetrovi(a),
lsurette(a), mbaluch(a),
mgoldboi(a), michal.skrivanek(a),
mizdebsk(a), mmaslano(a),
mmccomas(a), mmccune(a),
msimacek(a), msrb(a),
mweiler(a), mwinkler(a),
nwallace(a), ohadlevy(a),
pavelp(a), rbalakri(a),
Rhev-m-bugs(a), rrajasek(a),
rwagner(a), rzhang(a),
satellite6-bugs(a), sherold(a),
tcunning(a), theute(a),
tiwillia(a), tjay(a),
tkirby(a), tlestach(a),
ttarrant(a), ydary(a),
yeylon(a), ykaul(a)
XStream ( is a Java library to marshal Java objects into
XML and back. For this purpose it supports a lot of different XML parsers.
Some of those can also process external entities which was enabled by
An attacker could therefore provide manipulated XML as input to access data
on the file system, see
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Bug ID: 1321792
Summary: CVE-2016-3674 jenkins-xstream: XStream: enabled
processing of external entities [fedora-all]
Product: Fedora
Version: 23
Component: jenkins-xstream
Keywords: Security, SecurityTracking
Severity: high
Priority: high
Assignee: msrb(a)
Reporter: anemec(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: java-sig-commits(a),
Blocks: 1321789 (CVE-2016-3674)
This is an automatically created tracking bug! It was created to ensure
that one or more security vulnerabilities are fixed in affected versions
of Fedora.
For comments that are specific to the vulnerability please use bugs filed
against the "Security Response" product referenced in the "Blocks" field.
For more information see:
When submitting as an update, use the fedpkg template provided in the next
comment(s). This will include the bug IDs of this tracking bug as well as
the relevant top-level CVE bugs.
Please also mention the CVE IDs being fixed in the RPM changelog and the
fedpkg commit message.
NOTE: this issue affects multiple supported versions of Fedora. While only
one tracking bug has been filed, please correct all affected versions at
the same time. If you need to fix the versions independent of each other,
you may clone this bug as appropriate.
[bug automatically created by: add-tracking-bugs]
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1321789] CVE-2016-3674 XStream: enabled processing of external
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