Karen pointed out to me that the wiki has some wish-list like items for java programs and FC5:
(look for " free java related enhancements")
I don't know how much of this we will actually get done. Offhand I would say that Azureus and RSSOwl are the easiest targets to hit. JXplorer is a complete unknown to me. gcjwebplugin requires a number of libgcj enhancements, notably security.
Also on my wish list, but not reflected in the wiki, is 1.5 language support. I would rank this below gcjwebplugin though.
Feel free to post other ideas, comments, etc.
* Tom Tromey tromey@redhat.com [2005-06-17 11:05]:
Also on my wish list, but not reflected in the wiki, is 1.5 language support. I would rank this below gcjwebplugin though.
Personally, I would rank 1.5 language support over gcjwebplugin. However, I guess gcjwebplugin is a smaller task so it could probably be accomplished as we work towards 1.5 features.
"Andrew" == Andrew Overholt overholt@redhat.com writes:
Also on my wish list, but not reflected in the wiki, is 1.5 language support. I would rank this below gcjwebplugin though.
Andrew> However, I guess gcjwebplugin is a smaller task so it could Andrew> probably be accomplished as we work towards 1.5 features.
Not necessarily, the security stuff is pretty complicated.
Andrew> Personally, I would rank 1.5 language support over Andrew> gcjwebplugin.
Why is that?
My reason for prioritizing the plugin is that it enables useful end-user functionality (and also would make JNLP work, though that is not as cool). Also I haven't seen a huge amount of 1.5 code in the wild, so delaying this a little seemed like it wouldn't hurt much.
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 11:08 -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
Andrew> Personally, I would rank 1.5 language support over Andrew> gcjwebplugin.
Why is that?
My reason for prioritizing the plugin is that it enables useful end-user functionality (and also would make JNLP work, though that is not as cool). Also I haven't seen a huge amount of 1.5 code in the wild, so delaying this a little seemed like it wouldn't hurt much.
I have to agree with Andrew here. Significant Eclipse plugins are now being written using 1.5 code. If we want to continue supporting Eclipse, we'll need to be compliant here.
Best regards,
Dave Orme
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 09:01 -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
Karen pointed out to me that the wiki has some wish-list like items for java programs and FC5:
(look for " free java related enhancements")
I don't know how much of this we will actually get done. Offhand I would say that Azureus and RSSOwl are the easiest targets to hit. JXplorer is a complete unknown to me. gcjwebplugin requires a number of libgcj enhancements, notably security.
I played around with JXplorer last night, and it looks promising; I was able to dig around inside an Active Directory server with it.
(I've little idea how to package things up for free java though, and I'm totally overcommitted timewise already, alas)
Also on my wish list, but not reflected in the wiki, is 1.5 language support. I would rank this below gcjwebplugin though.
Feel free to post other ideas, comments, etc.
-- fedora-devel-java-list mailing list fedora-devel-java-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-devel-java-list
"David" == David Malcolm dmalcolm@redhat.com writes:
David> (I've little idea how to package things up for free java though, and I'm David> totally overcommitted timewise already, alas)
I tried it with gcj this weekend and it didn't work. I only tried it superficially -- just edited the launch script to invoke gij instead of java. It wanted javax.swing.text.html, which afaik is essentially unimplemented in Classpath.