Hi *,
Yesterday I send QuickREx Eclipse plugin for review, the review is there -> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=246138.
I have based the specfile on the eclipse-mylar and the eclipse-changelog specfile. At this time, Bastian Bergerhoff (the upstream guy) don't provide a feature plugin but he would fix that for the next release. He will provide an archive with complete sources + the features plugins (I have send him that one that I have use to build the plugin). He was really happy to know that someone was working to packaging him plugin for a Linux distribution an thus was really open to fix some little trouble with the sources, a sympathetic guy.
Some of you know that I'm working on the specfile plugin, please guys help me to review this plugin so that I can use this beautiful specfile plugin ;-)
PS: I have disable jregex and jakarta-regexp API for the main reason that they was not Fedora package for both of them and that these functionality don't give anything more that the two other API (the JDK and ORO).
Have a nice day, Alphonse