Oracle JDK is distributed from Oracle's web site. It contains proprietary components and is not open source. You can't really be sure what code Oracle used to compile it because they don't distribute all of the source code with it. OpenJDK is included with Fedora. It is completely open source. They're not the same. A lot of the code between them is probably the same, but as a whole they're not the same.

I've heard that they're both build from the OpenJDK source, but I wouldn't trust Oracle to actually do that.

If you were to include a Java app in Fedora, you'd have to make sure it works with OpenJDK.

On Friday, February 26, 2016 6:37 AM, Jiri Vanek <> wrote:

On 02/25/2016 07:21 PM, Adam Young wrote:
> On 02/25/2016 05:59 AM, Tomas Repik wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm looking for someone to review some java packages for Fedora.
>> All of these are required for inclusion of Apache Cassandra in Fedora, that is my main goal.
>> I'm offering to swap reviews w/ sb. as well.
>> Thanks in advance for any responses.
>> Tomas
>> --
>> java-devel mailing list
> Do they run with OpenJDK?  I've heard rumors that Cassandra is Oracle only.
> --
> java-devel mailing list

Oraclejdk IS openjdk.

If project claims that it is "oracle jdk ony" then it mostly refers that it do nto run on ibm jdk.