* Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs@math.uh.edu [2008-06-28 18:23]:
Sorry for the resend; this should have the correct address for the java list.
I hope I'm CC'ing this sufficiently; I do not know if any representatives form the Java group are members of fedora-packaging.
I was reviewing my first maven-using package and ran into an issue with the Java packaging guidelines. Namely that they specify that every maven-using package should own /etc/maven/fragments and /usr/share/maven2/poms, which contradicts our usual policy on directory ownership by multiple packages.
I don't really understand why the packages would need to own those directories; jpackage-utils already serves as a kind of filesystem package for java, it already owns /etc/maven and several java-related directories in /usr/share, and all of the packages which would own files in the two directories at issue already depend on it. So I think jpackage-utils should just own /etc/maven/fragments and /usr/share/maven2/poms and we can tweak the guidelines to not specify that the individual packages own these directory.
Another possibility would be to shift this off to a java-filesystem package analogous to our other *-filesystem packages which could own these and various other java directories.
I think moving them to jpackage-utils would be sufficient, as it owns a multitude of other java related directories right now. I have put this down on my TODO list and will get to it on Monday (off today and tomorrow).
This would fix ownership issues for 22 packages currently.
Another separate bug related issue is the fact that the contents of /etc/maven/fragments do not seem to be configuration files, and so probably should not live under /etc. I do not have sufficient Java knowledge to propose a solution, however.
Correct, technically they are not configuration related files. I'd be happy to move them, but I am not sure what the best place for them is either :/ .. suggestions are welcome. The files serve as configuration in the sense that they provide maven with a "mapping" between where maven expects jars to be, and where they actually are on the system.
Cheers, Deepak