Mark Wielaard wrote:
The Apache group started a discussion around getting a full free j2se implementation. It is obvious that they need input on the state of the existing efforts. Could someone make a list of all the new packages build with gcj 4 and gcj-java-compat for Fedora Core 4 and some simple instructions for someone that wants to get up and running quickly to check that out?
Well, the main packages are Tomcat and Eclipse. I can't speak for the Eclipse guys, but to try out Tomcat you'd probably do something like:
1. Install a FC4tX box. 2. yum install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps 3. service tomcat5 start 4. Look at http://localhost:8080/
Assuming they know their way around Tomcat all they need to know to configure it is that CATALINA_HOME is /usr/share/tomcat5.
Is that the kind of thing they're after?
Their mailinglist is
I'm going to be on holiday in five hours time, and I won't be back til May 23rd, so I don't want to start a thread there that I won't be able to respond to properly. Would you mind mailing them what I just wrote (assuming it's what you were after)?
Cheers, Gary