Even clearer instructions to get vimclojure working entirely from this package:

(in terminal #1)
sudo yum install vimclojure
java -jar /usr/share/java/vimclojure/server.jar
^^ note that once you are inside a clojure project, you'll likely need more entries in the classpath. For that, you'll likely switch to using the vimclojure goal from lein-tarsier

(in terminal #2)
vim test.clj
type: :let g:vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1
type: i
type: (println "Hello, World")
type: Ctrl+[
type: \et

To hide the buffer, type: \p

If you want to always use the nailgun connection, put this in your ~/.vimrc

let g:vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen@gmail.com> wrote:
(in terminal #1)
sudo yum install vimclojure
java -jar /usr/share/java/vimclojure/server.jar

(in terminal #2)
vim test.clj
type: let g:vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1
type: (println "Hello, World")
type: \et

Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
