Il 02/08/2016 17:13, toogley ha scritto:
Hey gil again,

just that you don't missunderstand me: I've read your suggestions/mails, and I
think i understand most of it. But i want to reproduce a working build based on
the specfile.  That means, i wanted to first understand how patches work with
the specfile (or rather where my error with my small patch was). After that, i
wanted to implement your suggestions/ideas in a clean way.

That's why the small patch didn't contained the removal of the grooval versions
- which I understand are useleless in fedora.


On 08/02, toogley wrote:
> hey gil,
> On 07/31, gil wrote:
> > before you should changes spec file in this way
> okay, done.
> > > %prep
> > > %autosetup -n Gant-%{version}
> [...]
> > try to change %autosetup with %setup
> Ah. i changed %setup to %autosetup, because i missed that
> %setup has the option -n to specify the directory.
> i've changed it back again.
now the patch is successful?
i use this patch:

diff -Nru Gant-1.9.11/build.gradle
--- Gant-1.9.11/build.gradle    2014-05-05 17:07:24.000000000 +0200
+++    2016-07-29 19:32:59.127468016 +0200
@@ -56,47 +56,8 @@
 final groovyArtefactName = 'groovy-all'
 ext.groovyVersions = [
-  '2.0': '2.0.8',
-  '2.1': '2.1.9',
-  '2.2': '2.2.2',
-  '2.3': '2.3.0',
-//  One series of Groovy needs using for the standalone distribution. This version of Groovy will be packaged with
-//  the "standalone" distribution of Gant.  It will generally be the latest widely available released version of Groovy.
-final groovyStandaloneSeries = '2.2'
-//  Organize the build using subprojects.  There is a subproject gant which is for the build using the
-//  locally installed Groovy and there is one for each version of Groovy obtained from the Maven repository
-//  that is supported.  These functions ease doing the iteration over all the subprojects.  NB Gradle
-//  requires the directories for each of the subprojects to exist.  There is an assumption that each
-//  subproject has its own source, etc.  This build slightly perverts the general approach by using exactly
-//  the same source for each subproject, the only difference is the version of Groovy used for compilation.
-def forEachDistributionVersion(Closure c) {
-  groovyVersions.keySet().each{String s -> c(artifact + mavenNameExtension + s) }
-def forEachProject(Closure c) {
-  c artifact
-  forEachDistributionVersion c
-forEachProject{item ->  if (! new File(item).isDirectory()) { mkdir item }}
-ext.distributionTasks = []
-ext.debTasks = []
-//  Using the JackRabbit wagon gets round some problems associated with uploading the distributions that
-//  occurs with the standard wagon.  However, it does not solve the problem of not creating missing
-//  directories that gives difficulties with new artefact uploads.  Have to cadaver in and create the
-//  hierarchy first:-( Using the lightweight HTTP wagon still requires creating the directory structure
-//  with cadaver or equivalent:-(
-final webdavWagonName = 'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav-jackrabbit:2.5'
-//final webdavWagonName = 'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-http-lightweight:2.5'
 //  In creating distributions which include jar files for the source, javadoc, and groovydoc, it is
 //  imperative to ensure that they do not get located into the library directory for jars containing
 //  compiled code for execution: it is critical to avoid getting the source, javadoc, and groovydoc jars on
@@ -133,7 +94,6 @@
     test{groovy{srcDir '../src/test/groovy'}}
     integTest{groovy{srcDir '../src/integTest/groovy'}}
-  metaInf << fileTree(dir: '..').matching{include 'LICENCE.txt'}
   final theVendor = 'The Codehaus'
   final theTitle = 'Gant: Scripting Ant tasks with Groovy.'
@@ -158,8 +118,8 @@
-    if (project.hasProperty('gant_useMavenLocal') && gant_useMavenLocal) { mavenLocal() }
-    mavenCentral()
+    if (project.hasProperty('gant_useMavenLocal') && gant_useMavenLocal) { xmvn() }
+    xmvn()
     maven{url ''}
@@ -169,7 +129,6 @@
     testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
     testRuntime 'org.apache.ivy:ivy:2.3.0'
-    deployJars webdavWagonName
   compileGroovy.options.compilerArgs = ['-Xlint']
   [compileGroovy, compileTestGroovy]*.options*.encoding = 'UTF-8'
@@ -194,7 +153,7 @@
   final copyrightString = 'Copyright &#169; 2006&#8211;2013  The Codehaus.  All Rights Reserved.'
-      overview 'overview.html'
+      overview '../overview.html'
       encoding 'UTF-8'
       setUse true
@@ -210,7 +169,7 @@
     javadoc.options.docTitle = javadoc.title
-    overview = 'overview.html'
+    overview = '../overview.html'
     includePrivate = false
     use = true
     windowTitle = packageTitle
@@ -266,10 +225,6 @@
     repositories{flatDir(name: 'groovyInstallation', dirs: [new File(groovyHome, 'embeddable'), groovyLib])}
     versionMessage = 'Using Groovy version ' + groovyVersion + ' from ' + groovyHome
-  else {
-    groovyVersion = groovyVersions[groovyStandaloneSeries]
-    versionMessage = 'Using Groovy version ' + groovyVersion
-  }
   dependencies{compile(group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: groovyArtefactName, version: groovyVersion)}
   compileGroovy.doFirst{println('\n\t' + versionMessage +'\n')}
   final buildPath = ['user.dir', 'gant', 'build', 'classes']
@@ -339,130 +294,21 @@
-  final groovyVersion = groovyVersions[projectName.replace(artifact + mavenNameExtension, '')]
-  project(projectName){
-    apply plugin: 'maven'
-    dependencies{compile(group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: groovyArtefactName, version: groovyVersion)}
-    compileGroovy.doFirst{println('\n\tUsing Groovy version ' + groovyVersion + '\n')}
-    final buildPath = ['user.dir', projectName, 'build', 'classes']
-    final classPath = []
-    classPath << (buildPath + ['main']).join(File.separator)
-    classPath << (buildPath + ['test']).join(File.separator)
-    configurations.testRuntime.files.each{file -> classPath <<  file.parent}
-    test.environment([
-                         GROOVY_ANT_TASK_TEST_VERSION:  groovyVersion,
-                         gradleClasspathString: classPath.join('path.separator')
-                       ])
-    install.repositories.mavenInstaller{pom pomSpecification}
-    gradle.taskGraph.whenReady{taskGraph ->
-      if (taskGraph.hasTask(uploadArchives)) {
-        if (! project.hasProperty('gant_experimentalMavenRepository') && !(project.hasProperty('codehausUsername') && project.hasProperty('codehausPassword'))) {
-          throw new RuntimeException('Must define both codehausUsername and codehausPassword to upload archives.')
-        }
-        if (! signingPropertiesAreSet()) {
-          throw new RuntimeException('Must define signing.keyId, signing.password, and signing.secretKeyRingFile')
-        }
-        uploadArchives.repositories.mavenDeployer{
-          uniqueVersion = false
-          configuration = configurations.deployJars
-          beforeDeployment{MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment)}
-          if (project.hasProperty('gant_experimentalMavenRepository')) {
-            if (! gant_experimentalMavenRepository) { throw new RuntimeException('gant_experimentalMavenRepository value not reasonable.') }
-            repository url: "file://${rootProject.buildDir}/${gant_experimentalMavenRepository}"
-          }
-          else {
-            //repository(url: 'dav:'){
-            repository(url: ''){
-              authentication userName: codehausUsername, password: codehausPassword
-            }
-            //snapshotRepository(url: 'dav:'){
-            snapshotRepository(url: ''){
-              authentication userName: codehausUsername, password: codehausPassword
-            }
-          }
-          pom pomSpecification
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    final binCopySpec = copySpec{
-      final scriptsDirectory = '../scripts'
-      from('..'){include 'README*'}
-      into('conf'){from(scriptsDirectory + '/conf'){include '*.conf'}}
-      into('lib'){
-        from libsDir
-        rename projectName + '-' + version, artifact + '-' + version + mavenNameExtension + '-' + groovyVersion
-      }
-      into('bin'){
-        fileMode = 0755
-        from([scriptsDirectory + '/bin', scriptsDirectory + '/bin_requiresGroovy'])
-        filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
-                   GROOVYPATH: 'embeddable',
-                   GROOVYJAR: groovyArtefactName + '-' + groovyVersion + '.jar'
-                 ]
-      }
-    }
-    task binTgz(type: Tar, dependsOn: 'jar', description: 'Build the distribution tarball.') {
-      baseName = artifact
-      classifier = mavenNameExtension + '-' + groovyVersion
-      compression = Compression.GZIP
-      into(gantPrefix){with binCopySpec}
-    }
-    task binZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: 'jar', description: 'Build the distribution zip file.') {
-      baseName = artifact
-      classifier = mavenNameExtension + '-' + groovyVersion
-      into(gantPrefix){with binCopySpec}
-    }
-    distributionTasks += [binTgz, binZip]
-  }
-  //  Due to weird effective scoping of projects -- caused by cloning of bindings for projects? -- need to
-  //  do the following to get the above tasks into the list defined by the main script.
-  distributionTasks += project(projectName).distributionTasks
-  ciBuildTasks << projectName + ':build'
-// =====================================================================
-//  Create the standalone distribution.
-final projectNameForStandalone = 'gant_groovy' + groovyStandaloneSeries
-final standaloneCopySpec = copySpec{
-  final scriptsDirectory = 'scripts'
-  final projectBase = project projectNameForStandalone
-  from('.'){include 'README*'}
-  into('conf'){from(scriptsDirectory + '/conf'){include '*.conf'}}
-  into('lib'){
-    from projectBase.libsDir
-    from projectBase.configurations.runtime
-  }
-  into('bin'){
-    fileMode = 0755
-    from([scriptsDirectory + '/bin', scriptsDirectory + '/bin_standalone'])
-    filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
-               GROOVYPATH: 'lib',
-               GROOVYJAR: groovyArtefactName + '-' + groovyVersions[groovyStandaloneSeries] + '.jar'
-             ]
-  }
-task standaloneBinTgz(type: Tar, dependsOn: projectNameForStandalone + ':jar', description: 'Create a tarball of the standalone distribution.') {
+task standaloneBinTgz(type: Tar, dependsOn:  ':jar', description: 'Create a tarball of the standalone distribution.') {
   baseName = artifact
   version = gantVersion
   compression = Compression.GZIP
   destinationDir = buildDir
-  into(gantPrefix){with standaloneCopySpec}
+  into(gantPrefix){}
-task standaloneBinZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: projectNameForStandalone + ':jar', description: 'Create a zip file of the standalone distribution.') {
+task standaloneBinZip(type: Zip, dependsOn:  ':jar', description: 'Create a zip file of the standalone distribution.') {
   baseName = artifact
   version = gantVersion
   destinationDir = buildDir
-  into(gantPrefix){with standaloneCopySpec}
+  into(gantPrefix){}
-distributionTasks += [standaloneBinTgz, standaloneBinZip]
 // =====================================================================
 //  Create the deb file of the standalone distribution.
@@ -530,7 +376,6 @@
-debTasks << standaloneDeb
 // =====================================================================
@@ -551,8 +396,6 @@
   into(gantPrefix + '/docs'){from project(':gant').docsDir}
-distributionTasks += [docTgz, docZip]
 // =====================================================================
 //  Create the source distribution.
@@ -566,7 +409,7 @@
-  'overview.html',
+  '../overview.html',
 task srcTgz(type: Tar, description: 'Create a tarball of the source.') {
@@ -584,8 +427,6 @@
   into(gantPrefix){from(projectDir){srcContent.each{include it}}}
-distributionTasks += [srcTgz, srcZip]
 // =====================================================================
 //  Tasks for getting all the distribution materials uploaded to Codehaus.
@@ -604,8 +445,8 @@
   else {
-      if (project.hasProperty('gant_useMavenLocal') && gant_useMavenLocal) { mavenLocal() }
-      mavenCentral()
+      if (project.hasProperty('gant_useMavenLocal') && gant_useMavenLocal) { xmvn() }
+      xmvn()
     dependencies { upload 'com.googlecode.sardine:sardine:146' }
     assert uploadSpec.size() == 2
@@ -616,7 +457,7 @@
-task buildDistribution(dependsOn: distributionTasks, description: 'Build all the uploadable distribution archives.')
+task buildDistribution
 task uploadDistribution(dependsOn: buildDistribution, description: 'Upload all the distribution archives.') << {
@@ -632,27 +473,13 @@
 //  Tasks for getting all the debs uploaded to Codehaus.
-task buildDebs(dependsOn: debTasks, description: 'Build all the uploadable debs.')
-task uploadDebs(dependsOn: buildDebs, description: 'Upload all the debs.') << {
-  checkAuthority()
-  undertakeUpload(
-    {
-      debTasks.each{task -> from task}
-      into rootProject.buildDir.absolutePath + '/' + gant_experimentalDistributionLocation + '/debs'
-    },
-    ['debs', debTasks])
 // =====================================================================
 //  Do a complete release.
 final archivesUploadTasks = []
-forEachDistributionVersion{archivesUploadTasks << ':' + it + ':uploadArchives'}
-task uploadRelease(dependsOn: archivesUploadTasks + [uploadDistribution, uploadDebs], description: 'Upload all elements of a release.')
 // =====================================================================
diff -Nru Gant-1.9.11/settings.gradle
--- Gant-1.9.11/settings.gradle    2014-05-05 17:07:24.000000000 +0200
+++    2016-08-02 17:30:25.880810257 +0200
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
 //  Author: Russel Winder <>
-include 'gant', 'gant_groovy2.0', 'gant_groovy2.1', 'gant_groovy2.2', 'gant_groovy2.3'
+include 'gant'
