2010/4/21 Deepak Bhole <dbhole@redhat.com>

I have orphaned the following packages in Fedora. Some of these are
core Java packages -- I don't have time to maintain them anymore and
would rather that someone more active take over:

maven-scm -- Common API for doing SCM operations
wsdl4j -- Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java

I'd like to take or comaintain those packages; maven-scm in particular
because i'm learning how to package maven plugins and its a
dependency of my current packaging attempt.

Guido Grazioli <guido.grazioli@gmail.com>
Via Parri 11 48011 - Alfonsine (RA)
Mobile: +39 347 1017202 (10-18)
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Linked in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/guidograzioli