Dear ,
We are very glad to know you from Internet, We are an advertisement making factory in Shenzhen of China, We hope to detail our services to you, and look forward to mutual cooperation between us.
Speciality of our factory: 1. Color poster by spray Including all kinds of poster, Outdoor and indoor banners, Exhibition apparatus, Stickers, Light slices, Exhibition boards of foam, Transparent slices and more..
2. Color items by printing Including all kinds of paper printing, Catalogues, Handbags, Cards, Boxes, Stick papers, Hanging brands, Document pouches, Envelopes, Letter paper, Carbon paper and more. You can visit our home page at for more information. If you have products to need producing or cost accounting, please tell us the name of product, size, quantity, the color, the material, the basic design, use occasion and method, etc..
The file uploads of address:
The trade is very convenient, If you are in Hong Kong, We have account No. in Hong Kong, and can deliver after payments, For other overseas buyers, You can handle remittance through "Western Union" at "", The goods can entrust the Express delivery company to send and deliver to your office.
Thanks and best wishes,
Mr.Leo AD Factory of Shenzhen E-mail: Tel: +86-0755-2622 0610 Fax: +86-0755-8240 9179 Mobile: 136-9198-4046 ICQ Number: 173161456 MSN Name: QICQ Number: 88680008
Welcome to contact us !
Chinese text: 我們在深圳主要專業于廣告宣傳制品的印務生產工作, 例如: 大小廣告宣傳畫面、海報橫額、挂畫招貼、展板展架、燈片燈箱、展覽展示等; 產品目錄、宣傳畫冊、手提袋、膠貼紙、卡片吊牌、包裝盒、台歷挂歷等; 彩色名片,只需HK$30一盒,每人3盒起數, 數碼攝影每張最低HK$20起.
01:10:34 2005-05-27