Love Linux? Love TESTING on Linux? We're SpikeSource, a bunch of passionate open source testing folks, and we're holding our first-ever TestFest on June 17th. We'll give you the chance to show how good your code really is by testing it using our new 'test harness'. We run 22,000 tests per day on over 63 open source components using this harness. This event kicks off our free testing service for the open source community. Mix and mingle with our developers to chat about open source testing. Hear from SpikeSource founder & CTO Murugan Pal on Participatory Testing and our architect, Sastry Malladi, about our Core stack product. Testing demonstrations on popular open source software will also be held for attendees. All developers are welcome! Check us out at, where you can register and learn how to package and test your code. On June 17th, 3pm, head over to SpikeSource offices in Redwood City to receive a report on your test results with helpful feedback from our staff. Lots of free food & beer to go around. Heck, we're even hiring. Should be a real geek fest! We hope to see you there.