Welcome to Fedora Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
Starting udev: udevd[396]: BUS= will be removed in a future udev version, please use SUBSYSTEM= to match the event device, or SUBSYSTEMS= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/85-pcscd_egate.rules:3
udevd[396]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to match the event device, or ATTRS{}= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/85-pcscd_egate.rules:3
udevd[396]: BUS= will be removed in a future udev version, please use SUBSYSTEM= to match the event device, or SUBSYSTEMS= to match a parent device, in /etc/udev/rules.d/85-pcscd_egate.rules:5
udevd-work[413]: '/usr/bin/vmmouse_detect' unexpected exit with status 0x000b
udevd-work[414]: '/usr/bin/vmmouse_detect' unexpected exit with status 0x000b
Questo e' il messaggio, notificato con un bel triangolo arancione con !, che mi appare ad ogni boot della nuova Fedora 13
Mi preoccupo? Lascio stare ed ignoro? Intervengo?
Ciao Nicola,
fai riferimento a: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=583169
Sembrerebbe un problema legato a 'xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse'...
Puoi ignorare il messaggio, o spulciare se dentro a /etc/udev/rules.d/ trovi qualcosa legato a vmmouse ;)